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View important school dates

The Calendar page on MyLFBI

The Calendar on MyLFBI lists the following items:

  1. The start/end dates for each quarter and semester
  2. Holidays observed by the school
  3. The due dates for all of your quizzes, assignments, exams, etc.

You can sync this calendar to Microsoft Outlook by going to the Home page, opening the Sidebar, scrolling down to the Microsoft block, and clicking Outlook Calendar sync settings to enable this feature.

The Events page on

The Events page is updated each year to list the following:

  1. The start/end dates for each quarter and semester
  2. Holidays observed by the school
  3. Living Faith Fellowship conferences (Mission Focus, Certainty, etc.)

You can follow LFBI on Facebook and Instagram to receive regular updates on social media for upcoming start/end dates, enrollment openings, conferences, and more!